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  • Visual ChatGPT: generate and edit images in chat

Visual ChatGPT: generate and edit images in chat

ChatGPT for images. Microsoft’s AI in Office products

ChatGPT is an exciting tool for those who work with text. It can do a lot of things like writing blog posts, coding and talking to you like a human. If you are not familiar with it, you can read my posts about ChatGPT's abilities and different ideas of how it can be used. While being very good at text generation, ChatGPT couldn’t work with images until this moment.

Visual ChatGPT by Microsoft

Microsoft has recently released Visual ChatGPT. Actually, this is not a new model. Instead, it is a python code, that connects ChatGPT and different image-generating models. It is able to generate images, modify existing images and much more. Everything is integrated into a chat.

Inside Visual ChatGPT there is a prompt manager, which connects ChatGPT with the one of Computer Vision (CV) models. To give you an understanding of what it can do, here is the list of available CV models:

Visual ChatGPT is available as a demo, Google Colab and Python code on GitHub.

How to use it Visual ChatGPT

Since the source code for Visual ChatGPT is available, here are a couple of ideas of how you could use it:

  • Create services which will allow one to create images in chat;

  • Integrate it with the existing chat-bots infrastructure (Telegram bots, Slack bots etc);

  • Add support for other models for image editing.

News of the week

Recently Google announced AI to be integrated into their office products: see the news section in my recent post. Now it’s Microsoft’s turn.

Microsoft introduced Copilot: a generative AI integrated into Microsoft 365. It is expected to work in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

What is especially cool is the integration between different office products. Imagine a presentation generated based on your Word documents. Or email generation based on your Excel spreadsheets data.

Tweet of the week

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