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  • 12 startup ideas one can implement with ChatGPT

12 startup ideas one can implement with ChatGPT

Inspirational ideas allowing you to create your next startup based on ChatGPT

In the previous post, I described what ChatGPT is and how one can use it in their own work. Apart from this, ChatGPT will lead to appearing of a vast amount of new startups that will use its technology. Here today I would like to reveal some inspirational ideas allowing you to create your next startup based on ChatGPT.

Personal chatbot assistant for day-to-day tasks

An assistant chatbot can potentially be connected to other apps, such as a calendar, todo-list, and corporate messenger. I see it as an interface between a user and existing APIs.

Potential workflows:

  1. A chatbot is connected with Todoist and Gmail. A user receives an email. Chatbot immediately proposes a relative answer. A user either request ask to add this email to their todo list for the next week or just ask to reply with the generated answer.

  2. A chatbot is integrated with an app like Zoom. It listens to your whole call, and afterwards provides you summary of it with an action list for all participants.

Virtual psychotherapists

This chatbot might identify the issues and feelings that users are experiencing and provide tailored advice and support.

Potential workflow:

  • Users can tell the chatbot about their feelings, and the chatbot should provide advice on how to manage their feelings and support the user in coping with their mental health issues.

Some examples:

  • ChatOwl already uses a virtual chat-bot for solving mental problems.

  • ChatGPT prompt for it to become a mental health adviser.

Personal StackOverflow

This chatbot should help developers with questions related to coding. It can answer their questions with solutions and advice, as well as provide links for further learning. It can also be used to help developers find solutions to sophisticated coding issues.

Potential workflows:

  • A developer has an error in his code. Chat-bot is integrated into their IDE and is able to explain why this error occurs and how to fix it.

  • A developer doesn’t know how to write a specific function. They ask a chatbot for personalized help.


Customer support chatbot

This chatbot might be helpful in providing customer support for businesses. It can answer customer questions and come up with information about products and services. It might be also able to help customers troubleshoot issues, such as problems with orders or technical issues. It might be integrated with existing customer support systems, such as Zendesk, to provide an automated customer service experience. Additionally, it might handle collecting of customer feedback and provide personalized recommendations.

Chatbot that can answer legal questions

A chatbot that answers legal questions can be a great tool for lawyers and law firms. This chatbot is aimed to be used as a virtual assistant that should be able to provide legal advice and help clients understand the legal process. It might be integrated with existing legal databases and provide quick and accurate answers to legal questions. Another task that it might handle is providing legal education to the public, such as delivering information on the latest laws and regulations.

A tool for parents that can assist them with technical advice

Drawing from my own experience, a chatbot can be incredibly beneficial for those with limited computer knowledge. Chatbots are more suitable than Google search, as they can be tailored to the user and provide answers instead of links. Furthermore, Google requires a certain level of skill to effectively search for the desired information, while a chatbot only demands from the user to ask a question.

A tool for training communication skills with a virtual romantic partner

A tool to help users improve their communication skills in romantic relationships can be created using ChatGPT. The main purpose of that tool is to simulate conversations with a virtual partner, providing personalized advice and feedback based on the user's replies in such conversations. It can help users learn how to express their feelings in a healthy and respectful way. An example of such a tool is RomanticAI.

Interviews coach

A chatbot for interviews preparation can be a great tool for job seekers. This chatbot is aimed to simulate a real interview, providing feedback on the user's responses. It can also give an advice on how to answer difficult questions and prepare for an upcoming interview. Additionally, it can be used to identify areas of improvement and provide personalized tips on how to level up one's performance.

Personal cooking advisor

Imagine the following potential workflow. A user makes a photo of their fridge. Object detection algorithms detect all food that is in the fridge. ChatGPT creates a recipe based on what is available. This idea is inspired by this tweet.

Personal interior designer

A user can ask the chatbot about their ideas for their new apartments or house. ChatGPT should generate ideas. StableDiffusion / DALLE / Midjourney are able to generate the design of the interior.

  • InteriorAI allows one to upload a photo of a space and generates ideas for its new design.

Personal virtual dietitian

ChatGPT might handle giving users personalized advice on what to eat and provide motivation to stay on their path to longevity. An important consideration is how to make this chatbot evidence-based and not cause harm. Perhaps, a human dietitian should prescribe a diet, while the chatbot should just answer questions related to the program and help to find answers in a nutrition database.

Articles summarisation tool

A lot of content appears every day, and not having enough time to read everything one wants can lead to Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). A tool that can automatically summarise the information might be extremely helpful in such cases. The target audience of that tool are people who don't have enough time to read all they want, as well as those who do a lot of research and need to absorb tonnes of content.

It can be implemented as a Chrome extension or an app like Pocket or Instapaper, allowing users to save paper for later and read its summary.

Tools that can be used

While OpenAI hasn’t provided publicly available API, there already exists reversed engineered API. I doubt it is a good idea to use it in production. Though whoever starts building today can change it to Open API when it is available.

Chatbot might be integrated into existing messaging apps using API, i.e. Telegram bot API, Slack API.

A huge collection of ChatGPT prompts will help you to understand what prompts to use for your idea. A lot of ChatGPT resources are collected here.

News of the week

Google fired 12,000 employees. According to TrueUp, an estimated 3,143 employees were laid off every day in 2023.

Research paper of the week

Scientists created an AI model that can estimate a human body's dense pose using only WiFi signals. Simple Wi-Fi routers were used to detect and perceive the poses and positions of humans and map their bodies clearly in 3D.

AI Tool of the Week

In3D is an app that allows you to create a realistic avatar of yourself with your phone camera. That avatar can be used in virtual worlds or video games.